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Stacked bar chart displaying state-only transportation revenues.  All dollars are in millions.  2005-06: Federal Funds are $3,274.  State Fuel Excise Tax is $3,224.  Sales Tax is $354.  Proposition 42 Transfer is $1,359.  Loan Payment is $151.  Weight Fees are $939.  Miscellaneous is $34.  Total revenues are $9,334.  2006-07: Federal Funds are $3,484.  State Fuel Excise Tax is $3,330.  Sales Tax is $728.  Weight Fees are $979.  Miscellaneous is $35.  Loan Payment is $1,515.  Proposition 42 transfer is $1,428.  Proposition 1B is $523.  Total Revenues are $12,022.  2007-08: Federal Funds are $4,054  State Fuel Excise Tax is $3,389.  Sales Tax is $1,016.  Weight Fees are $1,027.  Miscellaneous is $6.  Loan Payment is $183.  Proposition 42 transfer is $1,475.  Proposition 1B is $2,789.  Total Revenues are $13,938.  Notes: The Proposition 42 transfer was fully funded in 2005-06 and 2006-07 and is proposed to be fully funded in 2007-08.  The gaming revenues in 2005-06 are to repay transportation loans made in previous years.  The one-time General Fund loan repayment in 2006-07 is to prepay a portion of the $868 million in 2003-04 Proposition 42 loan and $1.258 billion 2004-05 Proposition 42 loan.  Annual revenues collected from tribal gaming compacts will be used to repay pre-Proposition 42 debt.  Miscellaneous includes Prop 116 & 192, and road construction by developers.
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