The California Strategic Growth Plan
In November 2006, California voters approved the landmark $37.3 billion Strategic Growth Plan (SGP) and a $5.4 billion bond initiative for natural resource protection, water, and parks. The Governor proposes to complete the financing plan to rebuild California's infrastructure through 2016 by addressing the critical gaps that remain.
To continue rebuilding California, the Governor is proposing a combination of new general obligation, lease-revenue and self-liquidating revenue bonds totaling $43.3 billion to finance the SGP through 2016:
- $9.5 billion for state and local correctional facilities;
- $11.6 billion for K-12 education facilities;
- $11.6 billion for Higher Education facilities;
- $6.0 billion for water supply and management;
- $2.0 billion for the state's judiciary facilities; and
- $2.6 billion for other public service infrastructure.
Combined with the bonds already approved by the voters, other existing funding sources and leveraged funding through the use of public private partnerships, total funding for the SGP will be $211 billion.
The California SGP includes additional accountability and performance measures to ensure that all the bonds are used appropriately and effectively to meet the goals approved by the Governor, the Legislature and the voters.
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Overview of General Fund Revenues and Expenditures
The Governor's Budget projects General Fund revenues will increase by 7.2 percent in 2007-08 compared to the revised 2006-07 revenue estimate, and General Fund expenditures to increase by only 1.0 percent compared to the revised 2006-07 expenditure estimate.
Budget Summary Improvements
As part of the Administration's effort to improve the understanding and comparability of budget expenditure data, the 2007-08 Governor's Budget Summary will now follow a more traditional agency format. In the past, some content in the Governor's Budget Summary was arranged by major program areas rather than by agency. Budget expenditure data will be displayed in both a summary format and a new agency change table format. The change tables are intended to provide the reader a snapshot of proposed expenditure and position adjustments in each agency, why those changes are being proposed, and their dollar and position impact.
Budget Summary - Introduction (pdf * - 9K)
- Provides this entire Introduction Chapter in pdf format.