The California Strategic Growth Plan
Other Public Service
State government provides many services to California's citizenry. Delivery of these services depends upon a variety of capital facilities such as general office space, forest fire stations, homes for veterans, crime labs, beds for mental health patients, agricultural inspection stations and special schools for the deaf, to name only a few. This broad array of facilities must provide adequate functionality and capacity to enable the delivery of services to the public.
The SGP proposes $2.3 billion (lease-revenue bonds) and $300 million (general obligation bonds) of new financing authority, as well as $2.2 billion of special funds to address the state's critical facility needs. A few of the more significant features of the bond funding include:
- Department of Forestry and Fire Protection-$600 million to replace or renovate 75 emergency response facilities, including fire stations, air attack bases, and conservation camps.
- Department of Mental Health-$500 million for additional capacity to meet the requirements of Jessica's law.
- Department of Justice-$400 million for a new DNA laboratory.
- Seismic Retrofit of Existing State Buildings-$300 million to complete the renovation of 29 facilities.
- State Special Schools-$100 million to replace or renovate classrooms and dormitories at the School for the Blind and School for the Deaf.
Details underlying this other public infrastructure, as well as the larger infrastructure components discussed in this chapter, will be laid out in the 2007 Five-Year Infrastructure Plan. That plan will be published by March 1, 2007.
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