Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
Career Technical Education Initiative
In an ever-evolving economy, California students need multiple pathways to rewarding and productive careers. The Administration remains committed to expanding opportunities for high school and community college students to take high-quality, academically rigorous career technical education (CTE) courses.
Since the Governor launched his CTE initiative in 2005, the state has made significant investments aimed at reinvigorating CTE programs. Chapter 352, Statutes of 2005 (SB 70) marked the beginning of the Governor's CTE Initiative, providing $20 million for CTE courses in high schools and Community Colleges. At the heart of this initiative are "2 + 2" programs that offer articulated series of courses beginning in a high school and continuing at a community college.
As a result of the investments in the 2005-06 budget and those described for the current year budget, the state has begun to restore the capacity and vitality that many CTE programs had lost due to decades of erosion in these programs. California is making significant progress in building CTE programs that will provide students with additional options and opportunities and help to meet the evolving demands of California business and industry.
The Governor's Budget proposes $52 million to expand CTE course offerings and programs. These resources include $20 million in the CCC's base funding for SB 70 programs as well as $32 million in new funding provided pursuant to Chapter 751, Statutes of 2006 (SB 1133). The Administration proposes that these funds be used for the following activities:
- Expanding the number of CTE courses offered in middle schools, high schools, and community colleges.
- Building stronger partnerships between the business sector and educational institutions.
- Planning and implementing CTE curriculum for emerging industries.
- Expanding internship opportunities for students.
- Establishing career exploration opportunities for middle school students.
- Creating career-themed high schools.
- Establishing streamlined pathways for becoming a CTE teacher.
- Creating several pilot career academies for young adults and high school dropouts who are unable to maintain living wage employment due to academic deficiencies.
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Proposed Budget Detail - Higher Education
Displays Proposed Budget Detail information for Higher Education.