Proposed Higher Education Spending for 2007-08
Student Fees
UC and CSU Student Fees-When preparing their annual 2007-08 Budgets, the Regents of the UC and the Trustees of the CSU deferred decisions on student fee increases. The segments have now advised the Administration, pursuant to the provisions of the Compact, that undergraduate fee increases are necessary to augment the Compact's basic budget support provisions in order to maintain the quality of core instructional programs. The UC proposes fee increases of 7 percent for undergraduates, graduate students, and most professional schools. The CSU proposes fee increases of 10 percent for undergraduates, credential candidates, and other graduate students. Despite these increases, fees remain very competitive, with the UC's fees below the average of comparable national institutions and the CSU's fees as the lowest in the nation for comparable 4-year comprehensive colleges. Both the UC and the CSU plan to set aside at least one-third of the increased fee revenue for financial aid, consistent with the Compact's provisions.
Community Colleges Fees-The Governor's Budget proposes no fee increase. CCC college fees for credit courses will remain at $20 per credit unit pursuant to agreement reached in negotiations on the 2006 Budget Act. CCC fees remain the lowest in the nation by far and are just 24 percent of the national average. See Figure HED-08 for current and proposed fee levels and comparisons with other public institutions for all higher education segments.
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