Preparing for Natural and Intentional Disasters
Major Accomplishments in 2006-07

The 2006 Budget Act included a $214 million investment in the state's preparedness for emergency events. The execution of these contracts and receipt of these materials represents a major step forward in enhancing California's emergency response capability:

  • After a series of bidder conferences, EMSA is analyzing bidder submissions and anticipates completing the $18 million purchase of three mobile field hospitals in March 2007.
  • Using $55 million, the state has issued purchase orders for 3.8 million courses of antivirals. Of this amount, 3.7 million courses were purchased through the federal-state cost-sharing program, under which 25 percent of the cost is covered by the federal government. This is the full allocation to California under the federal-state cost-sharing program.
  • Delivery of 50.5 million respirators, purchased for $23.1 million, began in November 2006. Monthly shipments will be received through June 2007.
  • On December 6, 2006, the Administration delivered a report to the Legislature providing an update on activities and proposing modifications to the materials to be included in the emergency caches for alternative care sites. This purchase is budgeted at $76 million.
  • The DHS has purchased 2,400 ventilators for $30.6 million, which includes contractual requirements for the manufacturer to maintain and store the ventilators in working order for several years.
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