Environmental Protection

The California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA) administers the state's environmental protection programs, which focus on restoring, preserving, and enhancing California's environmental quality and protecting public health.

The Secretary for Environmental Protection oversees the six boards, departments, and offices within Cal/EPA:

  • Air Resources Board - The Air Board sets statewide air quality standards and regulates emissions from motor vehicles, fuels, and consumer products. The Board, along with the 35 local air quality districts that regulate other sources of air pollution, monitors air pollution and administers regulatory and incentive programs to improve air quality.
  • Integrated Waste Management Board - The Waste Board's mission is to reduce solid waste, encourage recycling and reuse of materials, and regulate the disposal of solid waste. The Board oversees the local enforcement agencies to ensure the proper operation and closure of solid waste landfills.
  • Department of Pesticide Regulation - The Department of Pesticide Regulation evaluates the effectiveness and potential health risks of pesticide products, licenses pesticide applicators, and oversees local agricultural commissioners' enforcement of pesticide laws.
  • State Water Resources Control Board - The Water Board, which includes nine regional water quality control boards, protects water quality by regulating pollutants discharged into the state's ground water, rivers, lakes, and the Pacific Ocean. The Board issues water rights permits and licenses to ensure that water resources are put to beneficial use.
  • Department of Toxic Substances Control - The Department of Toxic Substances Control protects public health and the environment by reducing exposure to hazardous substances. The Department regulates handling and disposal of hazardous wastes, oversees cleanup of contaminated sites, and promotes pollution prevention.
  • Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment - The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment conducts scientific evaluations of the risks posed by chemicals. Their assessments are the scientific foundation of the state's environmental regulatory programs.
The Governor's Budget includes $1.7 billion ($85.8 million General Fund and $1.6 billion other funds) and 4,781.2 positions for Cal/EPA (shown in Figure ENV-01). Agency funding supports efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change, promote clean alternative fuels, improve water quality, reduce risk from pesticides and hazardous chemicals, and encourage the reuse of recyclable materials and brownfield sites.

Pie chart displaying Proposed Environmental Protection Expenditures for 2007-08 (All Funds).  All dollars are in millions.  State Water Resources Control Board is $834.5 (48.5%).  Department of Toxic Substances Control is $184.2 (10.7%).  Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment is $17.5 (1%). General Obligation Bond Debt Service is $6.9 (0.4%).  Secretary for Environmental Protection is $15.0  (0.9%).  Air Resources Board is $394.6 (22.9%). Integrated Waste Management Board is $199.1 (11.6%). Department of Pesticide Regulation is $68.9 (4.0%).

CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for Environmental Protection Back to Top

 Major Accomplishments in 2006-07
 Proposed Environmental Protection Spending for 2007-08
 Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments

Budget Summary - Environmental Protection (pdf * - 68K) -
Provides this entire Environmental Protection Chapter in pdf format.

Proposed Budget Detail - Environmental Protection
Displays Proposed Budget Detail information for Environmental Protection.