The Conservancy has acquired 4,659 acres within the Coachella Valley and the Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains for the public's enjoyment and for use consistent with the protection of biological, cultural, hydrological, recreational, scenic, and educational resources of statewide significance. In addition, the Conservancy has assisted in the acquisition of an additional 82,366 acres by other public agencies or nonprofit organizations through local assistance grants, partnership acquisitions and facilitated transactions (in which the Conservancy has provided no funds, but arranged for the acquisition by another entity). The Conservancy's five-year infrastructure plan calls for the acquisition of an additional 13,900 acres in that period, or an average of 2,780 acres per year. All acquisitions are consistent with, and implement, the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan/Natural Community Conservation Plan, the California Water Action Plan and the Conservancy's Acquisition Priorities as revised in November 2013.