4170 Department of Aging
Legal Citations & Authority


Older Americans Act-42 U.S.C. 3027

Older Californians Act-Welfare and Institutions Code, Division 8.5, Chapters 1-14.

Title 22 California Code of Regulations Section 7100 et seq.



Welfare and Institutions Code, Division 8.5, Chapters 2 and 6.

20-Senior Community Employment Service:

Welfare and Institutions Code, Division 8.5, Chapter 2.

30-Supportive Services:

Welfare and Institutions Code, Division 8.5, Chapters 2 and 11.

40-Community-Based Programs and Projects:

Welfare and Institutions Code, Division 8.5, Chapters 7 and 7.5.

45-Medi-Cal Programs:

Welfare and Institutions Code, Division 8.5, Chapter 8. Health and Safety Code, Division 2, Chapter 3.3.