4120 Emergency Medical Services Authority
Program Descriptions
10 - Emergency Medical Services Authority
Disaster Medical Services Division The Disaster Medical Services Division coordinates California's medical response to disasters. It is the responsibility of this division to carry out the EMS Authority's mandate to provide medical resources to local governments in support of their disaster response, coordinates with the Governor's Office of Emergency Services, Office of Homeland Security, California National Guard, California Department of Public Health, and other local, state, and federal agencies, private sector hospitals, ambulance companies and medical supply vendors to improve disaster preparedness and response.
EMS Personnel Division The EMS Personnel Division oversees licensure and enforcement functions for California's paramedics, personnel standards for pre-hospital emergency medical care personnel, trial studies involving pre-hospital emergency medical care personnel, first aid and CPR training programs for child day care providers and school bus drivers.
EMS Systems Division The EMS Systems Division oversees EMS system development and implementation by the local EMS agencies, trauma care and other specialty care system planning and development, EMS for Children program, California's Poison Control System, emergency medical dispatcher standards, EMS Data and Quality Improvement Programs, and EMS communication systems.