The San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission is a state planning and regulatory agency with regional authority. Its mission is to protect and enhance San Francisco Bay and to encourage the Bay's responsible and productive use for this and future generations. The Commission authored and maintains the San Francisco Bay Plan and relies on it, the McAteer-Petris Act, and other regulatory authority to maximize public access to the Bay and minimize Bay fill. The Commission issues permits for filling, dredging, and development projects within the Bay, along the Bay shoreline, and within salt ponds and certain managed wetlands adjacent to the Bay. The Commission also implements the Suisun Marsh Preservation Act of 1977. The Commission develops and implements the federal Coastal Zone Management Act's program for the Bay and exercises authority over federal activities otherwise not subject to state control. The Commission leads the ongoing multi-agency regional effort to address the impacts of sea level rise and climate change on the Bay and its environs. Funding for these efforts to address climate change is derived mainly from federal grants and other agreements, contracts, and reimbursements.