2240 Dept of Housing & Community Development
Program Descriptions
The objective of this program is to protect the public's health, safety, and general welfare in buildings and structures designed for human occupancy through the enforcement of the relevant provisions of the California Health and Safety Code, including the State Housing Law, Employee Housing Act, Mobilehome Parks Act, Special Occupancy Parks Act, California Factory-Built Housing Law, and the Mobilehome-Manufactured Housing Act of 1980. The HCD works with factory and site-built building industries, stakeholders, and other government agencies to review, amend, and recommend incorporation of model building codes for conventional construction into California's building standards. The program also enforces federal and state standards for the construction, safety, sales, and titling of manufactured homes, mobilehomes, and commercial modulars.
The objectives of this program are to: (1) increase housing supply by providing loans and grants to develop and preserve safe and affordable housing for lower-income households, (2) promote economic, community, and job development primarily by awarding state and federal housing funds, including funds authorized by the Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006 (Proposition 1C), (3) reduce homelessness through financial assistance and policy leadership, and (4) monitor recipients for compliance with the terms of their Standard Agreements and Regulatory Agreements. The program also promotes economic and job development through administration of the federal Community Development Block Grant Program, and is responsible for the state Enterprise Zone Program wind-down.
The objective of this program is to help ensure an adequate supply of housing affordable to all income groups through formulation of housing policy, technical assistance and oversight for local housing plans, direct assistance to private and public housing providers, administration of planning and incentive grant programs, and information sharing.
The objective of CalHFA's lending activity is to finance housing at affordable interest rates, using the proceeds from the sale of tax-exempt and taxable mortgage revenue bonds to make: (1) mortgage loans to qualified first-time homebuyers to finance the purchase of single family homes, (2) permanent loans to create and preserve multifamily housing projects, and (3) special needs housing loans to facilitate the construction, rehabilitation and acquisition of housing needed to serve special needs populations. The CalHFA also administers the California Housing Loan Insurance Fund activity, the objective of which is to encourage the preservation of existing housing and improve new housing opportunities by offering mortgage insurance products to homebuyers who might not qualify for traditional lending programs. The program provides primary mortgage insurance at favorable rates by working with participating lenders, government agencies, government-sponsored enterprises, and the secondary mortgage market to develop and offer innovative homebuyer lending and mortgage insurance programs. Mortgage Insurance Services is not writing new policies, but continues to administer existing policies and claims.
This program provides: (1) effective executive leadership in designing, implementing, and communicating housing programs and policies; (2) fiduciary oversight and sound fiscal management through its audit, accounting, and budget functions; (3) development, review, and implementation of legislation affecting the Department; (4) housing-specific legal expertise; and (5) support services in the areas of personnel, information technology solutions, business services, and contract management.
This program displays the estimated loan repayments made under HCD's Financial Assistance Program.