eBudget Search Help
Basic Search
To perform a basic search, enter search terms in the Basic Search Text: field, and press the Search button. A search term can be a single word, or multiple words enclosed in quotation marks. You may enter more than one search term at once.
Basic Search Refinement
By default, a basic search will return results containing all search terms that you enter. If you wish to obtain results containing any of the search terms you enter, you must separate them with the word "OR", in upper case.
Advanced Search
The advance search interface provides options for making your searches more precise obtaining more useful results. Options are described below:
- All Words: Searches for pages that contain ALL the search terms you enter.
- Exact Phrase: Searches for pages that contain the exact phrase you enter.
- At Least One Word: Searches for pages that contain at least one of the words you enter.
- Without the Word: Searches for pages that do NOT contain any of the words you enter.
- File Type: Select between HTML and PDF. If neither is selected, results for both file types are returned.
- Search In (Budget Detail): Searches for pages within the selected agency that contain your search term.
- Search In (Budget Summary): Searches for pages within the selected chapter that contain your search term.
Search Results
Search results are displayed as a list of clickable links. A short excerpt is displayed for each result, containing the returned search term, along with a small amount of text that appears before and/or after the search term. If more than one page of results is returned, links to the numbered pages are displayed at the bottom of each results page.
Refining and Resetting
After performing a search, you can refine your search parameters by pressing your browser's back button. If you wish to reset all search terms and parameters, you can do so by clicking the eBudget Search link in the navigation bar on the left side of the page.