7100 Employment Development Department
Major Program Changes
- Unemployment Insurance Interest Payment - The Governor's Budget includes $291.2 million General Fund to make an interest payment on funds borrowed from the federal government to pay California's unemployment insurance benefits without interruption.
- October Revise - The Governor's Budget includes a increase of $1.8 billion in 2012-13 and a decrease of $1.6 billion in 2013-14 for Unemployment Insurance benefit payments and an increase of $66.7 million in 2012-13 and $225.9 million in 2013-14 in Disability Insurance benefit payments. The October Revise also includes a decrease of $16.4 million and 178.5 positions in 2012-13 and a decrease of $77 million and 856.2 positions in 2013-14 for administrative support of these programs.
- October Revise Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Funding - The Governor's Budget includes an increase of $18.2 million federal funds in 2012-13 for the Governor's discretionary WIA funding and 25 Percent Rapid Response funds.
- Enhanced Data Sharing - As part of a review of the revenue collection functions of the Franchise Tax Board and the EDD, additional data sharing opportunities have been identified in the near term that will increase revenues. The budget includes an increase totaling $2 million in various payroll taxes, including increased penalty assessments and interest of $649,000 as a result of these data sharing efforts.