6610 California State University
Major Program Changes
- California State University (CSU) will receive a General Fund augmentation of $125.1 million, equal to a five percent increase in the University of California's 2012-13 General Fund support budget. Consistent with the Administration's policy to make higher education more affordable, the budget assumes that the university will not increase tuition and fees in 2013-14.
- CSU will receive $125 million General Fund in 2013-14, as required by the 2012 Budget Act, which was conditional upon CSU rescinding the tuition increase the university had adopted for fall 2012.
- CSU will receive a $51.4 million General Fund increase for retirement contribution costs for the California Public Employees' Retirement System in 2012-13. In future years, CSU will continue to receive General Fund adjustments based on current payroll, which will be revised in fall 2013. However, CSU will not receive additional retirement costs for any employees hired in excess of the 2012-13 payroll, to incentivize CSU to factor in the retirement costs of workforce increases into their overall fiscal planning process.
- CSU's general obligation bond debt service payments will be included in CSU's base budget beginning in 2013-14 ($198.1 million). No further augmentations will be provided. Similarly, the state will not provide additional funds for CSU's lease revenue debt service payments beyond 2013-14.