5180 Department of Social Services
Major Program Changes
- CalWORKs Employment Services: The Governor's Budget includes an increase of $142.8 million in 2013-14 to enhance and expand employment services, job development activities, and case management efforts for CalWORKs welfare-to-work participants. Focusing resources on employment services is a critical component of the program reforms enacted in June 2012 to help low-income families achieve self-sufficiency.
- State Hearings Division: The Governor's Budget includes $2.1 million in federal funds and 21.0 positions in 2013-14 for the State Hearings Division to address the significant growth in the number of hearings requested and decisions issued in recent years. The additional resources will ensure timely hearing decisions to address disputes between applicants and recipients of public assistance benefits and county welfare departments.
- Child Welfare Services - New System Project: The Governor's Budget includes an increase of $1 million ($482,000 General Fund) and 9.0 positions in 2013-14 to support and oversee the Child Welfare System - New System (CWS-NS) project through the procurement phase.
- Children's Services: The Governor's Budget includes an increase of $1.5 million ($950,000 General Fund) and 9.0 positions in 2013-14 to address workload associated several programs within children's services: Congregate Care, Registered Sex Offender Tracking, Resource Family Approval Project, and the Federal Title IV-E Waiver Capped Allocation Project.