The primary mission of the Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) is to provide policy leadership and direction to the departments, board and programs it oversees, to reduce duplication and fragmentation among HHSA departments in policy development and implementation, to improve coordination among departments on common programs, to ensure programmatic integrity, and to advance the Governor's priorities on health and human services issues.
The HHSA accomplishes its mission through the administration and coordination of state and federal programs for public health, health care services, social services, public assistance, health planning and licensing, and rehabilitation. These programs touch the lives of millions of California's most needy and vulnerable residents. The HHSA is committed to striking a balance between the twin imperatives of maintaining access to essential health and human services for California's most disadvantaged and at-risk residents while constantly pursuing ways to better manage and control costs.
The following departments and entities fall under the purview of the HHSA:
- Department of Aging
- Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Programs
- Department of Child Support Services
- Department of Community Services and Development
- Department of Developmental Services
- Emergency Medical Services Authority
- Department of Health Care Services
- Department of Managed Health Care
- Department of Public Health
- Department of Rehabilitation
- Department of Social Services
- Department of State Hospitals
- Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development
- Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board