5227 Board of State and Community Corrections
Mission Statement

The mission of the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) is to provide statewide leadership, coordination, and technical assistance to promote effective state and local efforts and partnerships in California's adult and juvenile criminal justice system, including providing technical assistance and coordination to local governments related to 2011 public safety realignment. This mission reflects the principle of aligning fiscal policy and correctional practices, including prevention, intervention, suppression, and supervision. The goal is to promote a justice investment strategy that fits each county and is consistent with the integrated statewide goal of improved public safety through cost-effective, promising, and evidence-based strategies for managing criminal justice populations.

The BSCC is organized into the following programs:

  • Administration, Research and Program Support
  • Corrections Planning and Grant Programs
  • Local Facility Standards, Operations and Construction
  • Standards and Training for Local Corrections

Since department programs drive the need for infrastructure investment, each department has a related capital outlay program to support this need. For the specifics on the Board of State and Community Corrections' Capital Outlay Program see "Infrastructure Overview."