6870 Board of Governors of Community Colleges
Major Program Changes
- The Budget proposes an increase of $209.2 million Proposition 98 General Fund to partially restore apportionment funding that had been previously deferred.
- The Budget proposes a net increase of $109.4 million Proposition 98 General Fund to offset a decline in student fee revenue ($97.4 million) and increased costs to compensate colleges for the administration of fee waivers and financial aid ($14.3 million), and also reflects savings due to increased property tax and oil and mineral revenues ($2.3 million).
- The Budget proposes an increase of $12.5 million Proposition 98 General Fund to create a new mandate block grant program.
- The Budget assumes that $730.1 million in apportionment funding is provided by the Education Protection Act.
- The Budget proposes to consolidate $411.6 million Proposition 98 General Fund categorical program funding into a single block grant to provide local flexibility in support of special services.