6600 Hastings College of the Law
Program Descriptions
The Student Services program includes Admissions, Records, Financial Aid, Career Services, the Academic Support Program, the Legal Education Opportunity Program (LEOP) and the Disability Resource Program. Through these offices, students are provided a fair system for admittance to the law school and information about their academic performance. Students are assisted in securing necessary financial assistance to complete the instructional program, and are also assisted in identifying employment opportunities. Supportive services include academic advising, accommodations for students with disabilities, the Academic Support Program, which provides analytical skills and writing instruction to qualifying students, and the LEOP program, which includes small group tutorials and other services to supplement regular instructional activities for the educationally, socially, economically, or otherwise disadvantaged students. In 2011-12, the 241 LEOP students comprised 19 percent of J.D. students.