6600 Hastings College of the Law
Program Descriptions
The Instruction program is designed to provide thorough and systematic instruction in those branches of the law, which will best prepare students for their responsibilities to the community as members of the legal profession. It is composed of three elements: classroom, theory-practice, and instructional support. Through these elements, students receive a combination of theoretical instruction, practical experience, specialized training as lawyers, and necessary support services.
The principal objectives of the program are to: (1) develop in the students the required competency in substantive law demanded by the legal profession; (2) develop students' skills in research and writing; (3) provide students with an adequate background in the law through the study of the development of the legal system and the role of the legal profession, both in the United States and abroad; (4) instill in students, through theory-practice clinical courses, a level of professional competence and skill that will shorten the period of training in the law office; and (5) develop special skills in advocacy for trial lawyers.
The primary objective of the Law Library is to support the legal education curriculum of Hastings by providing sufficient access to reference and research materials to allow students and faculty members to research questions of law in preparation for classroom presentations and assignments, for moot court, trial practice, legal clinic assignments, and to support legal scholarships. A secondary objective of the Law Library is to support the legal research needs of the larger community, including local attorneys.
The Student Services program includes Admissions, Records, Financial Aid, Career Services, the Academic Support Program, the Legal Education Opportunity Program (LEOP) and the Disability Resource Program. Through these offices, students are provided a fair system for admittance to the law school and information about their academic performance. Students are assisted in securing necessary financial assistance to complete the instructional program, and are also assisted in identifying employment opportunities. Supportive services include academic advising, accommodations for students with disabilities, the Academic Support Program, which provides analytical skills and writing instruction to qualifying students, and the LEOP program, which includes small group tutorials and other services to supplement regular instructional activities for the educationally, socially, economically, or otherwise disadvantaged students. In 2011-12, the 241 LEOP students comprised 19 percent of J.D. students.
The Institutional Support program includes Executive Management and Management Support, Human Resources, Fiscal Services, Public Safety, Community Relations and Administrative Services. This program provides administrative support to all the programs provided by Hastings College of the Law.
The Operation and Maintenance of Plant program consists of the management of the physical environment, as well as the planning and administration of maintenance and renovation activities of the College's student fee-supported plant.
Extramural Programs are supported by fund sources that include grants, contracts, gifts and endowments for activities that are not essential to core operations but enhance the mission of Hastings College of the Law. Self-supporting auxiliary enterprises such as the bookstore, student housing, student health services and the parking garage are also included.