6330 California Career Resource Network
Program Descriptions
Empirical research shows that effective career self-management programs and services result in significant educational, social, and economic benefits. Providing these programs and services is the central objective of the California Career Resource Network. Major focuses of this organization include the following:
Educational Outcomes
- Improved educational achievement
- Improved preparation and participation in postsecondary education
- Better articulation among levels of education and between education and work
- Shorter time to graduation
- Higher graduation and retention rates
Social Benefits
- Benefits to family, peers, and community
- Higher levels of worker satisfaction and career retention
- Shorter path to primary labor market for young workers
- Lower incidence of work-related stress and depression
- Reduced likelihood of work-related or school violence
Economic Consequences
- Higher incomes and increased tax revenues
- Lower rates and shorter periods of unemployment
- Lower costs of worker turnover
- Lower healthcare costs
- Lower incarceration and criminal justice costs
- Increased worker productivity