4440 Department of State Hospitals
Major Program Changes
- The Governor's Budget eliminates the Department of Mental Health, establishes the Department of State Hospitals, and redirects funding and positions for the following major program areas to improve state support of community mental health services:
Department of Health Care Services, $71.2 million ($256,000 General Fund) and 41.0 positions
Department of Public Health, $2.3 million Mental Health Services Fund and 4.0 positions
Department of Social Services, $1.1 million ($337,000 General Fund) and 12.0 positions
Department of Education, $15 million General Fund
Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, $12.3 million Mental Health Services Fund and 1.0 position
Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission, $1.7 million Mental Health Services Fund
- The Governor's Budget includes a net increase of $63 million General Fund for 2011-12 and $55 million General Fund for 2012-13 to support increases in state hospital operating costs. The total includes savings of approximately $120 million and $184 million respectively, which will be achieved primarily through staff redirection, program/service restructuring, streamlining documentation, and the use of generic pharmaceuticals when appropriate.
- The Governor's Budget includes a decrease of $3 million General Fund resulting from treating defendants found to be incompetent to stand trial in county jails, rather than state hospitals, when medically appropriate.