4300 Department of Developmental Services
Program Descriptions
Through the network of regional centers, the Department supports the development and maintenance of services for eligible persons with developmental disabilities who reside in the community. The regional centers directly provide or coordinate the following services and supports: (1) information and referral, (2) assessment and diagnosis, (3) counseling, (4) lifelong individualized planning and service coordination, (5) purchase of necessary services included in the individual program plan, (6) assistance in finding and using community and other resources, (7) advocacy for the protection of legal, civil, and service rights, (8) early intervention services for infants and their families, (9) family support, (10) planning, placement, and monitoring for 24-hour out-of-home care, (11) training and educational opportunities for individuals and families, (12) community education about developmental disabilities, and (13) habilitation services. The needs of individuals who reside in state-operated facilities are assessed and community resources are developed to assist those who can appropriately transition to the community.
The Department monitors regional centers to ensure they operate in accordance with statute, regulations, and their contract with the Department.