3680 Department of Boating & Waterways
Program Descriptions
The Boating Facilities program provides funding through its local assistance programs to expand and improve public boater access to California's waterways. To accomplish this, the department:
- Grants funds to cities, counties and other governmental agencies for the design and construction of boat launching facilities, floating restrooms, vessel sewage pumpouts, and non-motorized boating access trails and launch facilities.
- Loans funds to cities, counties, and districts for the planning, design and construction of small craft harbors.
- Loans funds to private, for-profit businesses for the development of recreational marinas.
- Provides aquatic weed control in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, its tributaries and the Suisun Marsh.
- Grants funds, on a cost-sharing basis, to local and federal agencies to finance beach erosion control measures to protect coastal resources.
The Department also has the statutory responsibility to plan, design and construct all recreational boating facilities in State Parks and on the State Water Project. The Department's capital outlay program also constructs recreational boating facilities on state-owned or state-managed property.
The Department also conducts research and studies on coastal processes through its oceanography program.
The Boating Operations programs work to ensure safe and enjoyable boating on California waters. Program activities include promoting boating safety and education, providing financial assistance and training to local boating law enforcement agencies, ensuring uniformity in boating enforcement, and licensing for-hire boat operators and yacht and ship brokers and salespeople. Statistical information is gathered on boating accidents to monitor accident trends and problem areas, and the causes of accidents are analyzed and documented. The results of these findings are used to direct outreach of various Department programs. Grants are provided to local public agencies for the removal of abandoned vessels on navigable waterways.
The Beach Erosion Control and Public Beach Restoration programs help mitigate coastal erosion by studying the causes of erosion, constructing beach enhancements, and other restoration efforts. Regional beach erosion restoration projects are constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in cooperation with state and local agencies. Localized beach restoration is typically constructed by local agencies with state cooperation.
The Administrative Services Division consists of accounting, budgeting, business services, information technology, and personnel. The effective provision of these services ensures the delivery of timely, reliable and accountable services to the boaters of California.