2660 Department of Transportation
Program Descriptions
The Division of Aeronautics supports California's aviation activities by promoting safe and effective use of existing airports and heliports. This program ensures that airports and heliports comply with safety regulations, provides engineering and financial assistance for safety and infrastructure improvements, maintains the California Aviation System Plan to reflect changes in the aviation network, provides guidance for land use compatibility in areas around airports, administers airport noise standards regulations, enhances goods movement to and from airports through improved ground access, and promotes and maintains aviation safety.
The Highway Transportation Program operates, maintains, and continues development of California's state highways. Development and delivery of capital projects make up the largest portion of these efforts. The program also meets its objectives through: (1) coordination and control required by federal and state law for implementing transportation projects, (2) furnishing assistance to city and county transportation programs, and (3) management of traffic through a system of monitoring, analysis, and control. In addition, this program strives to improve highway travel, safety, and the environment through testing, research, and technology development.
The objective of the Mass Transportation Program is to support the state's transportation system by providing leadership in the implementation of safe, effective public transportation, improved air quality, and environmental protection. The program achieves its objective through: (1) the administration of intercity rail service in California, including capital projects and rail car management, (2) management of state and federal capital and operations grant programs, and (3) planning, support, and coordination of mass transportation services, and (4) administering the Public Transportation Modernization, Improvement and Service Enhancement Account (PTMISEA) of the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006 (Bond Act). Additionally, the Mass Transportation Program serves to: (1) improve intercity bus passenger service through enhanced services and facilities, (2) improve public transportation needs for all persons, including the elderly, the disabled, and the economically-disadvantaged, (3) improve urban/commuter rail services, and (4) enhance mobility options in congested corridors.
The Transportation Planning Program implements statewide transportation policy through coordination at the local and regional levels and develops transportation plans and projects. The Department prepares the long-range state transportation plan required by state and federal laws and provides long-range transportation system planning and transportation planning studies as input to the regional transportation plans, the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), and departmental policies and programs such as Goods Movement, Climate Action, and Regional Blueprint Planning. The Department also prepares the Interregional Transportation Strategic Plan, which guides investment of the Interregional Improvement Program funds in the STIP.
The Administration Program provides the functions required to support the programmatic responsibilities of the department. Major activities include accounting, budgeting, auditing, office facility operations and management, information technology, and a wide range of administrative services including human resources, procurement and contracting, training, workforce planning, and labor relations.
The Equipment Program provides mobile fleet equipment and services to other departmental programs through: (1) purchasing new vehicles, (2) receiving, servicing, and equipping new units, (3) assembling equipment components into completed units, (4) managing the fleet, (5) repairing and maintaining the fleet, including payments for fuel and insurance, and (6) disposing of used vehicles.