0950 State Treasurer
Program Descriptions
The Investment Division is responsible for investment of state monies from the date of receipt through the date of redemption. During the 2010-11 fiscal year, this Division handled 8,841 security investment transactions totaling $348.3 billion. The Pooled Money Investment Board program accounted for 6,209 of these transactions totaling $306.1 billion; time deposits accounted for 1,469 transactions totaling $31.9 billion. The remaining $10.3 billion is invested on behalf of the state's special funds, such as those associated with the California Housing Finance Agency, the Department of Fish and Game, the state's retirement system, etc. The Division also administers the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF), a voluntary investment program created to offer California local agencies greater access to the financial markets through the Pooled Money Investment Board program. In the 2010-11 fiscal year, 2,783 local agencies participated in LAIF, with deposits averaging $22.7 billion for the fiscal year.
The Cash Management Division is responsible for managing the state's cash resources as mandated by the Pooled Money Investment Board and Government Code Sections 16500 through 16510. The Division is also responsible for administering the Centralized Treasury System (CTS), which encompasses the Treasurer's demand bank accounts. The State Treasurer maintains demand bank accounts with eight statewide banks for the purpose of providing the necessary depository coverage for the remittance of funds collected by various state agencies.
The goal of the CTS is to have all idle State money invested each day. This goal is accomplished by: (1) completing daily, weekly and monthly forecasts of agency revenue collections and disbursements and analyzing their impact on the Treasury's Pooled Money Investment Portfolio, (2) maintaining balances with each demand account bank to compensate the banks for banking services and to meet warrant redemption requirements, and (3) using compensating balances to allow for the variances in cash flow that are a natural consequence when forecasting the movement of cash.
The Division is responsible for processing, redeeming, and reconciling state warrants and agency checks presented by the banks for payment, processing stop payment and forgery items, and reconciling all of the state's deposits within the Treasury System. The Division: (1) administers the Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) and Pre-Sort Deposit Contracts, both of which involve the collection of approximately $136 billion in state revenues, (2) administers the Remote Site Deposits and Image Cash Letter Programs, and (3) advises state agencies and departments on all banking related matters.
The Public Finance Division is responsible for selling all State of California general obligation bonds, revenue anticipation notes, commercial paper notes, revenue bonds, and any other indebtedness including securitization of assets. The Division also provides trust services for most state bonds and is responsible for disseminating information to bondholders through the Investor Relations Program.
The Division also assures compliance with federal tax laws applicable to state debt by investing and reinvesting bond sale proceeds as needed to meet federal yield restriction requirements, tracking expenditures, and computing and rebating arbitrage profit or other payments to the federal government.
The Securities Management Division consists of the Securities Clearance Section and the Debt and Collateral Management Section.
The Division is responsible for the clearance, settlement, income collection, and accountability of all securities:(1) purchased or sold for investment by the State Treasurer, (2) pledged to the State Treasurer to secure the performance of an act or duty, and (3) held as collateral for the Treasurer's Time and Demand Deposit Programs. Securities are held in outside depositories as well as the state vault.
The Division manages the State's fiscal agent accounts, including debt service payments on Book-Entry bonds to the Trust Depository and certificated bonds to the fiscal agent bank, payments for Revenue Anticipation Notes (RANs) and Warrants (RAWs), and performs the accountability and reconciliation on Debt Service Reporting, Un-presented Accountability and Cash Accountability.
The Division is also responsible for: (1) safekeeping personal property and other items in the state vault at the request of state agencies, (2) providing custody and protection of securities inside the vault, and (3) providing vault tours for students, dignitaries and legislators.
The Administration Division, Executive Office, and the Information Services Division provide executive direction and support services to programs in the State Treasurer's Office. Services include budgeting, personnel, accounting, information systems, business services, technical support, and production operations.