0860 State Board of Equalization
Major Program Changes
- The Budget provides $6.4 million in special funds and 57 positions for the BOE to collect the State Responsibility Area Fire Prevention Fee in accordance with Assembly Bill 29, First Extraordinary Session (Chapter 8, Statutes of 2011).
- The Budget provides $4.4 million ($2.9 million General Fund) and 18 positions for various initiatives that will narrow the tax gap by collecting revenues that are owed but not currently being remitted. These are expected to generate $10 million in 2012-13 General Fund revenues.
- The Budget provides $3.2 million ($2.1 million General Fund) and 28 positions for the BOE to implement the use tax collection requirements imposed on out-of-state retailers by Assembly Bill 155 (Chapter 313, Statutes of 2011). This is expected to generate $50 million in 2012-13 General Fund revenues.
- The Budget provides $3 million ($2 million General Fund) and 15 positions for the BOE to process anticipated taxpayer refunds related to the disallowed collection of sales and use tax on Dell Computers' extended warranty service contracts.
- The Budget provides $523,000 ($376,000 General Fund) and one position for BOE activities related to its participation in the Financial Institute Record Match (FIRM) Program currently operated by the Franchise Tax Board. Expanding FIRM to BOE and the Employment Development Department, as the Budget proposes, will generate $14 million in 2012-13 General Fund revenues.