8380 Department of Personnel Administration
Program Descriptions
The Division's main objectives are as follows:
- Provide human resource services, including the development of policy relative to classification and compensation standards; consultation with departments and agencies on position allocation and effective personnel management practices; the development and implementation of innovative personnel management concepts designed to address workforce challenges including workforce planning, succession planning, pay incentive programs, and a reduced workforce.
- Through the Human Resources Modernization Project (HR Mod), in partnership with the State Personnel Board, work to revise, update, and streamline the state's human resources system, which includes streamlining the hiring process, modifying the vast position classification system, and designing a competencies-based performance management structure.
- Represent the Governor as the "employer" in contract negotiations with the state's 21 bargaining units and set pay and benefits for employees excluded from the collective bargaining process including supervisors, managers, executives, and confidential employees.
- Represent the Governor, and state agencies and departments, in all matters pertaining to labor relations, personnel and discipline, wage and hour claims, and employment law.