6120 State Library
Program Descriptions
The Library Development Services program provides state and federal financial assistance to libraries and provides technical consulting assistance to help local libraries extend and improve services to all residents. The primary components of the program are: (a) the California Library Services Act, (b) the California State Library Literacy and English Acquisition Services Program, (c) the Public Library Foundation Program, (d) the Library Services and Technology Act Program, and (e) the California Civil Liberties Public Education Program.
The California Library Services Act promotes resource sharing and reimburses public libraries for loans to people living outside their jurisdiction.
The California Library Literacy and English Acquisition Services Program provides community-centered literacy assistance to English-speaking adults who have missed the opportunity to learn to read English in traditional learning settings.
The Public Library Foundation Act is a funding formula under which the state contributes funding for basic local library services under specified conditions.
The federal Library Services and Technology Act provides grants to libraries of all types on a competitive basis for (a) developing new and innovative library services, (b) providing technology assistance, (c) library networking and resource sharing, and (d) providing library services to underserved populations.
The California Civil Liberties Public Education Program provides grants to libraries, non-profit organizations and others to support educational efforts that demonstrate the experience of the Japanese Internment.
The California Reading and Literacy Improvement and Public Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act was enacted as Proposition 14 in the Spring of 2000 to provide $350 million in bond funds for the construction and renovation of public libraries.