1111 Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureaus
Program Descriptions
The Bureau of Automotive Repair is responsible for regulating the automotive repair marketplace and administering the Smog Check Program. To carry out its mandate, the Bureau educates consumers, disciplines stations and technicians, seeks resolution to complaints, and licenses individuals and businesses. The Bureau also administers the nation's largest motor vehicle emissions reduction program. To help in its clean air efforts, the Bureau also administers the Consumer Assistance Program (CAP). Through CAP, consumers who own a vehicle that fails a biennial inspection and who meet certain eligibility requirements can receive financial assistance for emissions-related repairs. Further, consumers can receive a financial incentive to retire their unwanted vehicle at any time for any reason. The Bureau, in cooperation with the California Air Resources Board, also administers a voucher program that offers eligible consumers additional compensation toward the purchase of lower-emitting vehicles or transportation passes after they retire their vehicle through CAP.