0950 State Treasurer
Program Descriptions
The Securities Management Division consists of the Securities Clearance Section and the Debt and Collateral Management Section.
The Division is responsible for the clearance, settlement, income collection, and accountability of all securities:(1) purchased or sold for investment by the State Treasurer, (2) pledged to the State Treasurer to secure the performance of an act or duty, and (3) held as collateral for the Treasurer's Time and Demand Deposit Programs. Securities are held in outside depositories as well as the State Vault.
The Division manages the State's fiscal agent accounts, including debt service payments on Book-Entry bonds to the Trust Depository and certificated bonds to the fiscal agent bank, payments for Revenue Anticipation Notes (RANs) and Warrants (RAWs), and performs the accountability and reconciliation on Debt Service Reporting, Un-presented Accountability and Cash Accountability.
The Division is also responsible for: (1) safekeeping personal property and other items in the State Vault at the request of State Agencies, (2) providing custody and protection of securities inside the Vault, and (3) providing Vault tours for students, dignitaries and legislators.