0840 State Controller
Program Descriptions
The Division of Accounting and Reporting maintains uniform and systematic control accounts of all receipts, payments, state fund balances, and bonded indebtedness; reports the financial condition of the state; maintains a database of information and reports on local financial transactions; apportions shared revenues to local governments; administers local mandated cost programs; approves county cost allocation plans; monitors the cash flow of the General Fund; prescribes uniform accounting procedures and formatting guidelines for presentation of budget data for counties and special districts; administers and collects estate and inheritance taxes; collects delinquent insurance and motor vehicle fuel taxes and petroleum and gas assessments; services and collects loans formerly serviced by the Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency (abolished January 1, 2004); refunds gasoline taxes paid on fuel consumed for off-highway purposes; instructs and advises county tax collectors; maintains the recently suspended Property Tax Postponement Program for senior and disabled citizens; administers the statewide discharge from accountability program in conjunction with the California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board; collaborates with the Department of Finance, the Treasurer, and the Department of General Services to develop, implement, utilize, and maintain the Financial Information System for California (FI$Cal) system to ensure best business practices; provides technological consulting, tools, and services regarding the Controller's accounting system to internal and external stakeholders; and reviews requests from state and local agencies to participate in the State's Interagency Intercept Program operated on behalf of the State Controller's Office by the Franchise Tax Board (intercept of tax refunds or state lottery prizes); and is involved in the processing of offsets, for state agencies only, for unpaid debts owed to those respective state agencies, as administered through the State Controller's Office, Unclaimed Property Division Intercept Program (offset of escheated or unclaimed property being held in the name of a debtor).