8380 Department of Personnel Administration
Program Descriptions
The Labor Relations Division (Division) represents the Governor through the collective bargaining process and presents the state's management position in negotiations with the exclusive representatives (typically unions) of the 21 bargaining units. Collective bargaining issues include wages, hours, and working conditions for represented employees. The Division is responsible for setting the pay and benefits of employees excluded from the collective bargaining process including supervisors, managers, executives and confidential employees. (Confidential employees are generally those whose work assignments expose them to information that is sensitive or confidential in nature.) The Division provides cost estimates for collective bargaining proposals regarding changes to compensation, benefits, and working conditions; compiles compensation survey data to determine appropriate compensation levels in conjunction with the collective bargaining process; is responsible for the administration of salary, layoffs, paid and unpaid leaves, the audit of these programs, and is responsible for the development of policy and the preparation of policy manuals, i.e., State Civil Services Pay Scales, Military Leave Handbook, Layoff Manual, and the State Restrictions of Appointment Manual. Beginning with 2009-10, this program will be consolidated into Program 30.