7100 Employment Development Department
Major Program Changes
- Automated Collection Enhancement System - The Governor's Budget includes $10.3 million ($9.2 million General Fund) and 72.4 positions for continuation of the EDD's Automated Collection Enhancement System (ACES), which will improve the EDD's ability to track, collect, and audit the payment of specified employer payroll taxes, including the personal income tax witholding. The procurement process for selection of an ACES vendor will be finalized in early 2009. Upon approval of a post-procurement Special Project Report, a Spring Finance Letter will be submitted revising the 2009-10 funding and anticipated revenues, based on the successful bidder's proposal.
- Employment Training Panel - The Governor's Budget includes an increase of $20 million (Employment Training Fund) to allocate additional training funds to California employers to reduce unemployment.
- October Revise - The Governor's Budget includes an increase of $1.1 billion in Unemployment Insurance benefit payments and an increase of $309.8 million in Disability Insurance benefit payments. The October Revise also includes a state operations increase of $60.5 million and 630.4 positions for the various employment assistance payments that EDD administers.