4200 Department of Alcohol & Drug Programs
Major Program Changes
- The Governor's Budget includes a shift of $311.5 million from the General Fund to the newly created Drug and Alcohol Prevention and Treatment Fund, which will be supported with an increase in alcohol excise taxes.
- The Governor's Budget includes 13.0 positions and $1.4 million (Residential and Outpatient Program Licensing Fund and Reimbursements) to increase the frequency of Drug Medi-Cal Post-Service Post-Payment reviews. These additional efforts will result in improvements to program quality, compliance enforcement, and fraud prevention.
- The Governor's Budget includes $96,000 Driving Under-the-Influence (DUI) Program Licensing Trust Fund on a two-year limited-term basis to research best practices and develop recommendations on improving the outcomes of current DUI programs, including reducing recidivism of repeat DUI offenders.