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9100 Tax Relief
Budget-Balancing Reductions
- The General Fund reduction amount for Tax Relief is $25.5 million. The Homeowners' Property Tax Relief Program, which the Governor's Budget proposes to fund at $442.5 million in 2008-09, was exempted from the reductions because it is constitutionally required.
- The Governor's Budget proposes a 10 percent, $15 million reduction for the Senior Citizens' Renters' Tax Assistance Program. Legislation is proposed to reduce the grant amounts available to participants by 10 percent.
- The Governor's Budget proposes a 10 percent, $4 million reduction for the Senior Citizens' Property Tax Assistance Program. Legislation is proposed to reduce the grant amounts available to participants by 10 percent.
- The Governor's Budget proposes a 10 percent, $3.9 million reduction for the Subventions for Open Space (Williamson Act) Program. Legislation is proposed to reduce by 10 percent the reimbursement counties receive for property tax revenues lost as a result of assessing lands covered by Williamson Act contracts at a lower value.
- The Governor's Budget proposes a 10 percent, $2.6 million reduction for the Senior Citizens' Property Tax Deferral Program. Legislation is proposed to reduce participation in the Program by 10 percent.