8950 Department of Veterans Affairs
Major Program Changes
- The Governor's Budget includes $9.4 million General Fund and 100.7 positions for the construction and activation phases of the Veterans Homes in West Los Angeles and Ventura County. The Governor's Budget also includes $580,000 General Fund and 4.3 positions for the initial construction and pre-activation phases of the Redding and Fresno Veterans Homes projects.
- The Governor's Budget includes $1.3 million General Fund and 13.3 positions for the Department to meet their fiscal operational and oversight needs of eight veterans homes and a state veterans cemetery.
- The Governor's Budget includes $3.2 million General Fund and 18.3 positions to establish a Facilities Maintenance and Management Unit which will be responsible for implementing a program for maintenance and repairs at the current three veterans homes, the state cemetery for veterans, and the five veterans homes under construction.