8940 Military Department
Major Program Changes
- Wildland Firefighting Initiative - The Governor's Budget includes $9.2 million from the Insurance Fund and 35.8 positions to establish and maintain the appropriate staffing and equipment levels necessary for the California National Guard (Guard) to be able to respond to major wildfire disasters. Of this amount, $4.8 million is for the purchase of new firefighting systems for military aircraft and $4.4 million is to provide the staffing necessary to be able to provide air support and respond to any emergency situation in the state in four hours or less.
- Education Benefit Program - The Governor's Budget includes $1.8 million General Fund and 0.9 position to establish an education benefit program for members of the Guard to improve retention of Guard members and their respective skill sets, thereby providing a more experienced, effective reserve force.
- Joint Operations Center Staffing - The Governor's Budget includes $1.3 million General Fund and 13.3 positions to provide 24 hours a day, 7 days per week staffing of the Joint Operations Center to enable the Military Department to rapidly deploy personnel and equipment with little notice from the Office of Emergency Services and conduct the coordination and notification necessary to support state agencies in the event of an emergency or disaster.