8570 Department of Food & Agriculture
Budget-Balancing Reductions
- The Budget includes General Fund reductions of $500,000 in 2007-08 and $8.6 million and 23 positions in 2008-09.
- The following programs totaling $4.6 million have been exempted from the budget balancing reductions: Lease revenue debt service and support for Light Brown Apple Moth eradication and survey activities.
- The major budget balancing reductions for 2007-08 include:
A decrease of $500,000 for Agricultural Services and General Agricultural activities which will impact oversight, training, and coordination of County Weights and Measurements officials and testing of commercial weighting and monitoring devices. The Agricultural Security and Emergency Preparedness Response Program will be limited to evacuation of pets and livestock during emergencies.
- The major budget balancing reductions for 2008-09 include:
A decrease of $4.9 million for survey and eradication activities for the Red Imported Fire Ant and the Diaprepres programs. Activities in the Pierce's Disease Control Program will also be limited.
A decrease of $1.3 million and 11 positions for Animal Health/Food Safety which will eliminate various programs including health monitoring and reporting, Johne's Disease research, the Animal Care program, pet food inspections, rendering inspections, and field investigations.
A decrease of $1.5 million and 4 positions for General Agricultural Activities which will close the Microscopy Sections at the University of California Davis and the Fresno laboratories and the Avian Virology section at the Fresno laboratory. It will also limit the activities of the Agricultural Security and Emergency Preparedness Response Program to only evacuation of pets and livestock during emergencies.
A decrease of $664,000 and 8 positions for Executive and Administrative Services impacting analytical services, financial reporting, support training functions, and services to staff in management reporting and personnel services.