7100 Employment Development Department
Major Program Changes
- Automated Collection Enhancement System - The Governor's Budget includes $2.8 million ($2.6 million General Fund) and 17.1 positions for continuation of the EDD's Automated Collection Enhancement System (ACES), which will improve the EDD's ability to track, collect, and audit the payment of specified employer payroll taxes, including the personal income tax withholding. The Governor's Budget also includes provisional language to authorize additional positions and funding once vendor procurement is finalized, which is currently slated for January 1, 2009. This language is necessary to avoid project implementation delays and enable the state to recover revenues at the earliest possible date.
- Underground Economy - The Governor's Budget includes $2.5 million (split evenly between the Contingent Fund and the Disability Insurance Fund) and 23.8 positions to continue, for an additional two years, EDD's participation in the Economic and Employment Enforcement Coalition, which is a partnership of enforcement agencies that identifies the worst offenders for targeted workplace enforcement actions throughout the state.
- October Revise - The Governor's Budget includes an increase of $753 million (various special funds) in benefit payments and a state operations increase of $35.9 million and 220.7 positions for the various employment assistance payments that EDD administers.