6870 Board of Governors of Community Colleges
Major Program Changes
- A $171.9 million increase (3-percent) for enrollment growth for Apportionments. This would fund more than 35,000 additional full time equivalent (FTE) students. This level exceeds the 1.5 percent minimum increase pursuant to the statutory formula included in Chapter 631, Statutes of 2006.
- A $291.7 million increase for cost-of-living (4.94-percent COLA) for general-purpose Apportionments.
- A $28.5 million increase for categorical program enrollment growth and COLA (3-percent and 4.94-percent, respectively). These programs include Matriculation, Disabled Students Programs and Services, Campus Childcare Tax Bailout, Extended Opportunity Programs and Services and Apprenticeship.
- A $374,000 net increase for the Chancellor's Office state operations for standard baseline adjustments and an increase of $200,000 and two positions for workload associated with nursing and career technical education program local assistance increases resulting from 2007 budget actions.
- A $40 million current year reduction to community college apportionments. The Administration will introduce trailer bill legislation to identify potential savings in other programs in an effort to help offset this mid-year reduction.