6360 Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Budget-Balancing Reductions
- The Budget includes General Fund reductions of $4.3 million in 2008-09. However, because the Commission's state operations are paid entirely from special fund revenues derived from the credentialing and examination fees paid by K-12 teachers, administrators and professional services personnel, there are no administrative reductions for the Commission. The major budget balancing local assistance reductions include:
- A $3.5 million reduction for the Alternative Certification Program which partners school districts and colleges to train individuals pursuing teaching as a second career. The impact of this reduction will be minimal due to lower-than-anticipated program participation which has resulted in program savings in recent years.
- A $855,000 reduction for the Paraprofessional Teacher Training Program which provides assistance to teachers' aides with completing their baccalaureate and teacher preparation programs. Similar to that of the Alternative Certification Program, the impact of this reduction will be minimal because the program has experienced savings in recent years.