5180 Department of Social Services
Program Descriptions


The Department of Social Services monitors and oversees the operational program aspects of social services programs through the development of policy, regulations, and procedures for the delivery of services to clients, and the monitoring and evaluation of services delivered.

25.15 - In-Home Supportive Services:
The In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program provides services to enable eligible persons to remain safely in their own homes as an alternative to out-of-home care. Eligible persons are aged, blind, or disabled persons who receive public assistance or have low incomes. There are now three programs that provide in-home care: the Personal Care Services Program, the IHSS Plus Waiver Program, and the IHSS-Residual Program.

25.20 - Recipient Supplementary Payment:
The Recipient Supplementary Payment program provides supplemental payments to individuals who are participating in either the Personal Care Services Program or the IHSS Plus Waiver Program when their Medi-Cal share of costs are higher than their IHSS-Residual share of costs.

25.30 - Children and Adult Services and Licensing:
The Children's Services component consists of three major areas: Child Welfare Services, Adoptions, and Child Abuse Prevention.

Child Welfare Services provides emergency response, family maintenance, family reunification, and permanent placement services for abused and neglected children and their families. The program also provides for training and technical assistance for administrators and staff.

The Adoptions Program: (1) provides agency (relinquishment) adoption services through five state offices and twenty-eight licensed county adoption agencies; (2) conducts studies of all independent adoption placements through seven state offices and three county adoption agencies; (3) reimburses licensed private adoption agencies for expenses incurred in placing special needs children; and (4) provides adoptive home recruitment activities through directly provided and contracted services.

The Child Abuse Prevention Program provides funding, training, and technical assistance for the development and sustainability of child abuse prevention and intervention programs serving at risk families and their children.

The Department also has County Services Block Grant funding which includes Adult Protective Services. In this program, counties provide appropriate Adult Protective Services to California's functionally impaired dependent adults and the aged who live in their own homes.

The Community Care Licensing Division provides preventive and protective services to all persons in community care facilities by ensuring that licensed facilities meet established health and safety standards.

25.35 - Special Programs:
The Department has several special programs that include the following: Specialized Services, Access Assistance to the Deaf, and Refugee Assistance Services.