5180 Department of Social Services
Major Program Changes
- CalWORKs cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) - The Governor's Budget includes $131 million to provide a statutory COLA for CalWORKs assistance payments. This COLA, scheduled to become effective July 1, 2008, is estimated to increase monthly grant levels for a family of three from $723 to $754.
- In place of a budget balancing reduction for CalWORKs, the Governor's Budget proposes to implement changes that promote personal responsibility and hold recipients accountable for the consequences of their actions, strengthen the work focus of the program, and improve California's ability to meet federal requirements and avoid fiscal penalties. The proposal will result in net savings of $73.7 million General Fund in 2007-08 and $476 million ($389.1 million General Fund) in 2008-09. Key components of this effort include:
Implementing graduated full family sanctions to reduce prolonged noncompliance with program rules while providing a reasonable timeframe to achieve compliance during which benefits are still available.
Providing a Work Incentive Nutritional Supplement of $40 per month in additional Food Stamp benefits to families who are not currently receiving CalWORKs benefits but are meeting federal work requirements.
Continuing to support and promote county efforts to increase work participation, including strategies to engage CalWORKs recipients early in the program, maintain full engagement, prevent recipients from becoming sanctioned, and encourage sanctioned individuals to re-engage in the program.
Modifying the safety net program to reward working families by continuing safety net benefits for families beyond their 60-month time limit only if they meet federal work participation requirements.
Providing cash aid for families receiving child-only benefits that are consistent with other CalWORKs families.