4120 Emergency Medical Services Authority
Budget-Balancing Reductions
- The Budget includes a General Fund reduction of $1.0 million in 2008-09.
- A portion of the Mobile Medical Assets program, totaling $2.8 million General Fund, has been exempted from the budget balancing reductions. The program was partially exempted because a greater reduction would jeopardize the state's ability to provide emergency medical services, including deployment of Mobile Field Hospitals, in the event of a major disaster.
- The major budget balancing reductions include:
A reduction of $690,000 for the Poison Control System. This will reduce the amount of the Poison Control System contract, and likely reduce the number of personnel available to staff the program.
A reduction of $242,000 for Regional Emergency Medical Services Agencies. This reduction will be spread among the seven regional agencies and will be implemented in a variety of ways including reducing travel costs, holding positions vacant, and reducing hours.
A reduction of $36,000 for Regional Disaster Medical Health Specialist (RDMHS) contract services. This will reduce the amount of RDMHS contracts with local emergency medical services agencies.
A reduction of $35,000 in state operations costs associated with Mobile Medical Assets.