3900 Air Resources Board
Major Program Changes
- Regulatory Enforcement - The Budget includes $8.5 million Motor Vehicle Account and 44.1 positions for implementation and enforcement efforts related to controlling toxic diesel particulates. These regulations include those related to in-use off-road diesel vehicles, truck idling restrictions, composite wood formaldehyde emissions, and diesel auxiliary engines for port and ocean-going vessels.
- Ongoing Implementation of the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32) - The Budget includes $5.6 million Air Pollution Control Fund and 25.8 positions for additional staff and resources to continue implementation of strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These resources include 24.0 positions to accelerate the development of additional early action measures, both regulatory and non-regulatory, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, primarily from the trucking and port industries, cement, semi-conductor, and consumer product industries.
- Zero Emission Vehicles and Infrastructure - The Budget includes $6 million in one-time Motor Vehicle Account funding to continue implementation of the Zero Emission Vehicle Regulations. These funds will help California move toward its goals of reducing greenhouse gas, criteria pollutant and toxic air emissions, reduce the state's dependence on petroleum, and continue the state's efforts to increase the use of renewable fuels. These funds also will continue implementation of the California Hydrogen Highway Plan by providing grants to establish hydrogen refueling stations.
- Air Quality Improvement - The Budget includes $1.7 million Air Quality Improvement Fund and 9.6 positions (eight permanent and two three-year limited term) to develop and implement the Air Quality Improvement Program and Enhanced Fleet Modernization Program components of the new programs authorized by Chapter 750, Statutes of 2007 (AB 118). This proposal also includes expenditure authority beginning in the 2009-10 fiscal year of an additional $48.3 million Air Quality Improvement Fund annually to provide authority for grants to be allocated beginning in 2009-10.