3600 Department of Fish & Game
Major Program Changes
- Suction Dredge Program Environmental Review - The Budget includes $1 million General Fund to conduct a court-ordered environmental review of the Department of Fish and Game's Suction Dredge program and mining regulations.
- Oil Spill Prevention and Response - The Budget includes $250,000 Oil Spill Prevention and Administration Fund in local assistance to provide continued funding to the San Francisco Bay Physical Oceanographic Real Time System (PORTS). The PORTS provides real-time information on tides, tidal currents, and meteorological conditions, and is an asset for safe navigation, spill response, and search and rescue operations. The Department is currently developing a proposal to enhance the PORTS program.
- Proposition 84: Ecosystem Restoration Program - The Budget includes $21 million from Proposition 84 funds and 16.1 positions to continue activities to protect the water quality in the Bay Delta region.
- Proposition 84: Salton Sea Restoration - The Budget includes a $10.8 million transfer from Proposition 84 funds to the Salton Sea Restoration Fund and 2.8 positions to fund critical Salton Sea restoration activities.
- Proposition 84: Anadromous Fish Management - The Budget includes $10.9 million from Proposition 84 funds and 13.6 positions for Coastal Salmonid Monitoring Plan implementation, Coho Recovery Plan implementation, and Coastal Steelhead and Chinook Recovery.