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3600 Department of Fish & Game
Budget-Balancing Reductions
- The Budget includes General Fund reductions of $1.7 million in 2007-08 and $8.4 million and 59.9 positions in 2008-09.
The major budget balancing reductions include:
- 2007-08
Reduce $1.4 million from the Biodiversity Conservation Program. This reduction will reduce funding for the Fisheries Restoration Grant Program.
Reduce $165,000 from the Hunting, Fishing, and Public Use Program. This reduction will reduce funding for a White Sea Bass survey.
Reduce $152,000 from Administration. This reduction will reduce funding for the Lands Database.
- 2008-09
Reduce $3.6 million and 20.9 positions from the Biodiversity Conservation Program. This reduction will reduce funding for the development of Natural Community Conservation Plans, timber harvest reviews, incidental take permit reviews, and other biodiversity conservation programs.
Reduce $1.2 million and 2.9 positions from the Hunting, Fishing, and Public Use Program. This reduction will reduce funding for bottom trawl permit implementation, fish surveys, and avian influenza monitoring.
Reduce $2.6 million and 36.1 positions from the Enforcement Program. This reduction will eliminate 38 fish and game warden positions, out of 370 existing enforcement positions. These wardens are responsible for enforcing fish and game laws, inspecting vessels for quagga mussels, and protecting sensitive populations of marine species.
Reduce $1 million from Administration. This reduction will reduce funding for training, accounting, and information technology contracts.