0540 Resources, Secy
Major Program Changes
- The Budget provides $177,000 General Fund for implementation of Chapter 185, Statutes of 2007 (SB 97) to develop California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines for the mitigation of greenhouse gases.
- San Joaquin River Restoration - The Budget provides $15.9 million Proposition 84 to support implementation of a settlement agreement between the federal government, local water users, and environmental advocates to restore portions of the San Joaquin River, including channel modifications and ecosystem restoration projects that will be implemented by the Department of Water Resources and the Department of Fish and Game.
- River Parkways - The Budget provides $28.6 million Proposition 84 for the River Parkways Program. The program funds projects that provide public access to river parkways, provide recreational opportunities along rivers, protect reverine habitat, maintain open-space character of lands along rivers, and/or other conservation activities.
- CALFED Science Program - The Budget provides $26.4 million Proposition 50 for the CALFED Science Program. The Science Program is designed to establish an unbiased, relevant, and authoritative body of knowledge relevant to CALFED actions and their implications.